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Adrenochrome, or how to become a superhuman—fragment of the course "The Art of Dreaming—The First Gate"
Access subzoning to 'System'
From here it turns out two interesting moments, the first - if a person does not have a clear vector for his growth in his consciousness, but represents a certain amorphous informational structure or its semblance in the form of various information formations, such as behavior programs and input data processing modules, constantly and chaotically changing under the influence of external factors and forces, while not having a direction of development as his consciousness, his personality and intermediate structured stages of this development, his individual consciousness causes growthENTROPY in the SYSTEM.
More details about the "Gaia Hypothesis" and what is "System" or "Consciousness of planet Earth" can be found in one of my articles, the links to which are provided below.
The power of attraction or the 6th systemic channel "Genius of the planet Earth" and the layout in the "Tarot System" reflecting its work— the article is posted on the resource medium, authored by Lord Denis Banchenko..
Attraction force or 6th systemic channel "Genius of the planet Earth" and layout in the "Tarot System" reflecting its work— link to an article on the social network Facebook, author Lord Denis Banchenko.
“Gaia hypothesis”— wikipedia.
And because of this, such a person and such consciousness are sharply restricted in access rights, that is, not allowed to engage in any significant work with the collective unconscious as the system operator, and changing the parameters of event developmentwithinSYSTEMS. Such a person is used as a cell in the body, with a limited cycle of divisions and growth (Hayflick limit), with the aim of subsequently replacing it with another similar cell. This ensures the principle of natural selection and evolutionary development.
Heiflick Limit — wikipedia.
From here, there is a direct dependence on human life expectancy, at one level or another, depending on his consciousness. Based on the above, it should be understood that the formation of consciousness, as well as the increase in its level of development, is impossible without understanding the fact of the finiteness of one's existence. That is, without receiving body experience, in which it is precisely the physical body, not just the mind, as well as the entire being called human, realizes DEATH and the possibility of the finiteness of one's EXISTENCE. This process is accompanied and marked by chemical reactions, with strong threats to LIFE in moments of HUMAN SURVIVAL, that is, during the translation of NERVOUS SYSTEM into the survival mode, there are strong releases of ADRENALINE.
Adrenaline— wikipedia.
At such moments HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM starts working in modes in which it has never worked before. A person becomes capable of things he has never been capable of before, more precisely his body.
Нервная система человека— wikipedia.
Adrenaline or epinephrine - a hormone synthesized by the body from adrenaline. It is produced by the body from tyrosine - an amino acid obtained from food. Adrenaline is also formed when the autonomic nervous system is excited in synapses of nerve fibers. The hormone constricts blood vessels, especially in the abdominal cavity. Blood volume in the body is redistributed, flowing from the liver and spleen into the body's vessels, replenishing the volume of circulating blood in them, resulting in the vessels leading to the heart and brain dilating, improving organ blood supply.
By chemical structure, it is a catecholamine. Adrenaline is found in various organs and tissues, in significant amounts it is formed in chromaffin tissue. It plays an important role in the physiological response "fight or flight". In American literature, adrenaline is called epinephrine, both names mean the same, "near the kidney", but in the first case Latin is used, and in the second - Greek. Both names coexist simultaneously to this day, and reflect a more than century-old dispute between American and English universities, which represented a union, which more than 120 years ago was named epinephrine.
Physiological action of adrenal extracts(adrenaline) on the cardiovascular system was first described in the articles of EnglishmenOliver and Schafer and the Pole Napoleon Cybulski, published almost simultaneously.
English people published their article in English in the journal J Physiol, while Napoleon Cybulski described his research in Polish in a preprint from the Jagiellonian University, so his work is little known. Both studies focused on “physiologically active extracts of the adrenal glands”, and the active substance was not identified.
Was born Napoleon Tsibulsky on September 13, 1854 in the village of Krivonosy near Mikhalishki, now part of Kamaysky Selsoviet, Postavy District, Vitebsk Region. In 1875, he graduated from Minsk Gymnasium. In 1885, he moved to Krakow. From 1885 to 1919, he held the position of professor at Jagiellonian University, where he headed the Department of Physiology. Later, he established a physiological laboratory. Here, together with his student L. Shimanovich, Napoleon Osipovich Tsibulsky first obtained in 1893–1896 an active extract of the adrenal glands, which later led to the isolation of hormones of this endocrine gland in pure form. Author of works on “Human Physiology”, “Nutrition of People in Galicia”, a treatise on the philosophy of “On Modern Vitalism and Mechanism”. Thus, in 1894, Napoleon Tsibulsky together with L. Shimanovich discovered the physiological action of adrenal extracts — adrenaline and adrenalin-like substances.
Adrenaline is unable to overcome the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER, and effectively affect the HUMAN BRAIN, and the PINEAL GLAND. 130 years ago, one of the brain's mechanisms was partially revealed to humanity: the 'partition' between the brain and the body's circulatory system - the blood-brain barrier. It consists of several layers: on the body side, the brain's blood capillary is lined with endothelial cells on the basal membrane. On the brain tissue side, there is a layer of neurons, so they interweave into a three-dimensional network. This structure allows regulating the penetration of biologically active substances from the blood into the brain, metabolites, but hinders the entry of foreign substances, microorganisms, and toxins into the brain.
Peripheral nervous system of a human— wikipedia.
Blood-brain barrier is virtually impermeable to Catecholamines— adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine. The catecholamines in the blood are the product of the activity of chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla. However, adrenaline found in nerve cells is synthesized within the neurons from its precursor tyrosine, which easily crosses the blood-brain barrier. Almost the only known exception is the hypothalamic neurons, as confirmed by experiments with tritium-labeled adrenaline.
It should be noted that the blood-brain barrier changes its permeability depending on the time of day. This was discovered by a team of biologists led by Professor Amita Sehgal of the University of Pennsylvania. They found that the cells of the blood-brain barrier also follow the circadian rhythms of the body, like other cells, and the barrier's permeability changes depending on the time of day.
The lab of Amita Sehgal, PhD, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania — “A Circadian Clock in the Blood-Brain Barrier Regulates Xenobiotic Efflux” — A Cell Science Press journal.
Hematencephalic barrier - wikipedia.
Adrenochrome formed during the oxidation of adrenaline performs the function of overcoming hematoencephalic barrier and activating brain function. Thus, in order for the brain and consciousness to enter the fourth basic working mode called "Magical State". This mode of consciousness operation was detailed in one of the lectures of this course. It allows individual Mage consciousness to influence both their own body and its autonomous systems, as well as the objective reality within the "fields of the planet Earth", in other words within the scope of "Collective Consciousness of the planet Earth" or "Gaia Consciousness". Part of this "Gaia Superconsciousness" includes organisms of other people, animals, plants, and overall all of them collectively due to their collective work and interaction by biological communication systems, as detailed in one of the lectures of this course, form such macro manifestations as weather, earthquakes due to the shift of lithospheric plates, epidemics, population regulation of species and so on. Overall, it is on this principle, on the principle of interaction of individual Mage consciousness with "Superconsciousness of the planet Earth" or "Gaia Superconsciousness" that the entire "Sephirotic Magic" is built.
NADN-dehydrogenase complex - wikipedia.
A large amount of adrenochrome, which is extremely necessary for translating brain function into the fourth Magical mode, can be obtained by reducing the oxygen concentration in the body tissues, with prior alteration of blood pH.
Flavin adenine dinucleotide or FAD - wikipedia.
The occurrence of the so-called hypoxia is accompanied by the accumulation of a large amount of reduced forms of various compounds, including coenzymes— NADH, NADPH, FADH, ubiquinones.
Coenzymes - wikipedia.
In conditions of "O2-" deficit, or oxygen starvation, this leads to single-electron reduction of oxygen to"O2-". This process occurs at the terminal segment of electron transport chain.
Acidosis - wikipedia.
It has also been found that radical-forming systems of mitochondria are pH-dependent and are activated during acidosis, and the activity of one of the enzymes - NADH oxidase of mitochondria, which forms active oxygen species, increases in hypoxia-damaged tissues.
Oxidative phosphorylation - wikipedia.
In conditions of ischemia, the formation of ROS in mitochondria sharply increases with the disruption of the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation. Moreover, the rate of ROS formation is directly dependent on the degree of respiratory chain blockade. This process leads to the restoration of carriers in the pre-blocked areas, especially rotenone and actinomycin-dependent ones, which contribute to the intensification of the blockade, electron leakage, and ultimately, ROS overproduction. The enzymatic complexes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, generating ROS (NADH dehydrogenase, NADH ubiquinone reductase), are activated in response to a decrease in cerebral blood flow below 20 ml/100 g/min. In conditions of “O2-” deficit in brain tissues, the level of restored forms of coenzymes — NADH, NADPH, ubiquinones — sharply increases, leading to single-electron reduction of “O2” to “O2-”. There is compelling evidence that the central role in ROS production belongs to mitochondria, altering the permeability of their membranes due to the formation of a specific complex of mitochondrial pores and initiating mitoptosis. Mitochondria are the primary source of ROS, playing a key role in cellular energy supply. ROS, especially superoxide, are formed under conditions of ischemia and hypoxia in so-called parasitic reactions, in the initial segment of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The first pathway of CRO initiation by catecholamines is possible in target organs, one of which is the brain.
The second pathway can be implemented through the formation of active oxygen forms, in particular, “O2-”, as in the biosynthesis of adrenaline, i.e., the transition from tyramine to octopamine, and during the oxidation of adrenaline to adrenochrome. In this case, if as a result of controlled breathing practice, the blood pH changes from acidic to alkaline, which we will learn to do, then the amount of adrenochrome released upon interruption of the respiratory chain will be significant, and the negative consequences resulting from ordinary classical hypoxia do not occur at all. More details on this can be found in the scientific work “Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity” available at the link below.
Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity - Authors: Belenichev I. F., Cherniy V. I., Nagornaya E. A., Pavlov S. V., Cherniy T. V., Gorchakova N. A., Bukhtiyarova N. V., Andronova I. A., Kucherenko L. I. (Reviewers: Gromov Leonid Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Neuropharmacology at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Tolstikova Tatyana Genrikhovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Pharmacological Research at the Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N. N. Vorozhtsov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)..
In 1952, John Smithies and Humphrey Osmond, based on the similarity of hallucinations induced by mescaline, with schizophrenic hallucinations, hypothesized that schizophrenia may be caused by an endogenous hallucinogen, which they named M-factor (mescaline-like factor). They also noted that in some cases, patients, to whom adrenaline was administered, colored by oxidation products in a pink color, states similar to those induced by mescaline occurred. Based on these observations and identifying the oxidation product as adrenochrome, they formulated the pathogenesis hypothesis of schizophrenia as a consequence of abnormal metabolism of adrenaline with the formation of adrenochrome. It was also suggested that endogenous adrenochrome may be involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Based on this hypothesis, Osmond and Hoffer proposed treating schizophrenia with very large doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin B₃, leading to a reduction in adrenochrome in the brain.
Human brain - wikipedia.
Adrenochrome is synthesized in laboratories and sold in pharmacies, as well as produced in the adrenal glands and pineal gland of the brain (this fact is the most important within the framework of the course being conducted), is one of the oxidation products of adrenaline free radicals (quinoid oxidation) in oxidative stress.
Adrenochrome - wikipedia.
In the American science fiction television series J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, and Roberto Orci“Fringe”, or “Beyond the Fringe” in the original English version, the title sounds like “Fringe”, which premiered on September 9, 2008 in the USA on the Fox channel. It tells the story of a substance called“Cortexiphan”, thanks to which one of the main heroines of the series, FBI agent Olivia Dunham, who was injected with this substance in childhood, acquired extraordinary extrasensory abilities.
TV series "The Edge" - wikipedia.
The prototype of this substance in reality was endogenous adrenochrome. Also, the series tells the story of the mad scientist Walter Bishop and his son Peter, who investigate a series of mysterious crimes called "Pattern" ("Model" or "Scheme"). In their investigations, they encounter such aspects of science beyond or on the border of science as telepathy, levitation, invisibility, reincarnation, genetic mutationsand.
Epiphysis and Adrenochrome
It is adrenochrome penetrating through the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER, increases the speed of computational processes of the BRAIN, involving both hemispheres and PINEAL GLAND. Hence, people experiencing prolonged stress, associated with life risk, ultimately keep alive their PINEAL GLAND, which under other circumstances dies by 25 years due to natural causes in almost all people. Also, such individuals have more pronounced MAGICAL ABILITIES. For example, access to VISION, and all four states of CONSCIOUSNESS that are extensively studied in the course - AROUSAL, SLEEP, LUCID DREAMS, MAGICAL STATES, as well as gain the ability to control OTHER PEOPLE and REALITY, through OWN CONSCIOUSNESS. For these reasons, the most successful MAGI in education are from the most poor, disadvantaged, dangerous, criminogenic, and corrupt countries and societies. Because in order to survive in such harsh conditions without external resources, it is necessary to actively use the work of consciousness. Very strong ADEPTS and MAGI are found in COUNTRIES with unstable dictatorial regimes, where human life is worthless.
When the pineal gland is activated in the absence of external or internal threats of physical destruction to a person, a redistribution of potential occurs, leading to a process known as “illumination”, “inspiration”, “flow state”, or “insight”. It is precisely during the activation of the pineal gland that most scientific discoveries occur. When the body produces endogenous adrenochrome in conditions of a motionless physical body, it begins to accumulate in the pineal gland, activating its function, which is orders of magnitude higher than in the normal state. This is evolutionarily linked to the survival processes of our species, and in conditions of mortal danger, such activation leads to the enhancement of quantum computing processes in the brain, which in turn helps instantly find the right survival-enhancing solutions. If there is no imminent threat to a person, all this excess computing power is directed elsewhere, activating “Magical consciousness abilities”, and for a short period, a person becomes a superhuman, acquiring various psychokinetic abilities.
Unfortunately, this secret knowledge is often used by "Black Magicians" with evil intent. For the past two years, I have been constantly receiving information that the modern ruling elite belonging to the third caste of people has been enslaved by the "Black Magicians", who have passed on to the elite representatives a frightening technology for obtaining pure adrenochrome from products of adrenaline oxidation in children's blood, brought to a state of wild terror. From the bodies of these children, after they have been terrorized for days, blood is drained and the necessary raw material is extracted from it. After the child's death, pure endogenous adrenochrome accumulated in the pineal gland is extracted, which has formed in the process of oxidation in the child's body, whose body has been immobilized beforehand. The finished product is then sold as a high-quality expensive narcotic drug. The cost of one dose of such a drug is incredibly high, and sales take place on the black market. Children are chosen for their biological compatibility and purity of the organism, unlike adults, whose raw material extraction from body components can be dangerous for consumption. All of this looks like absolute madness, a real atrocity, there is nothing human in these processes anymore. There is a whole system of disinformation in place to ridicule and discredit all those "Mages" who know the truth and the real mechanisms of consciousness work. The main argument used in the mass media is that adrenochrome can be synthesized in chemical laboratories, so there would be no need to extract it from children's bodies, and the cost of obtaining adrenochrome would be very low. But unfortunately, any scientist familiar with this issue knows well that endogenous and chemically obtained adrenochrome are completely different substances. Any person, through working with their body and consciousness, through the implementation of specific practices, is able to independently generate their endogenous adrenochrome, and there is no objective reason to sacrifice other lives for this.