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Totem or “Magical Animal of Power”

"Totem" or "Magical Animal Powers"

Unlike the “Technogenic civilization”, which humanity is trying to build on our planet at a rapid pace, the “Magical civilization”, and its predecessor the “Biogenic civilization”, operate with completely different tools and abstract concepts.

For example, from the perspective of “Magic”, everything that exists has an informational nature, and the only “Real world” or plane is a mental plane of existence. This means that everything that We with You see, feel, and experience unfolds in someone's or something's supraconsciousness.

Hence a completely different approach to technologies and their implementation. From the perspective of “Magical civilizations”, of which there are many in the universe, there is nothing surprising in being able to control the trajectories of, for example, meteorites or other celestial bodies, if the corresponding “Geniuses” are involved, such as planets or star systems, that is, macro consciousness.

For example, one of the stellar systems called the “Solar System”—is a system within which We and You live, magnificently managing the positions of celestial bodies within itself, skillfully adjusting the trajectories of incoming guests (other celestial bodies, comets, meteorites, and so on) while safeguarding life. You can read about what “Planetary Genius”, “Gaia”, and their “Systemic Channels” are in two of my articles linked below, including, by the way, scientific research published in globally recognized peer-reviewed journals.

“The force of attraction or the 6th systemic channel 'Genius of the planet Earth' and the layout in the 'Tarot System' reflecting its operation”—author article by Lord Denis Banchenko.
“Artifacts | Amulets - manufacturing and usage technologies - course fragment” - an article by author LordDenis Banchenko.

The “Gaia” hypothesis—Wikipedia.
But, let's return from heaven to “Earth”, the consciousness of an average person on the planet is not enough to control such processes, it is the mass consciousness of people that matters. The consciousness of a large group of people united by a common intention and motive can greatly impact the environment. For example, stress can significantly shorten lifespan, while the sense of self-realization and satisfaction can prolong life. And when this is manifested in large masses of people, the impact is amplified, both positively and negatively. For this reason, the philosophy of a stress-free life has gained popularity in the Scandinavian countries, or specifically in Sweden, it is their philosophy of “Lagom”. Scientists in these countries have calculated the economic benefit of healthy and stress-free individuals, outweighing all costs of maintaining a good mood among citizens.

As for ancient civilizations, their discoveries were far beyond the understanding of contemporaries. For example, they found the fact that the planet is actually inhabited not so much by biological beings as by "Egregores", or as Vadim Zeland likes to affectionately call them - "Swingers". So, they are formed by a large accumulation of beings having or capable of having consciousness through biological communication systems, which I discuss in one of the fragments of my course - "The Art of Lucid Dreaming", a link to the fragment is provided below.
Fragment of the course “Art of Dreaming—First Gates (first lecture of the first cycle—part one)” May 16, 2020—“What are Dreams”—fragment of the course “Art of Dreaming” by Lord Denis Banchenko.

Even more amazing was their discovery that animals do not have their own individual consciousness, like, say, “Human”, but are united in some super-consciousness called “Magami” “Totem”.

"Totem" controls all animals of the same species at once, for example, a specific type of birds. I have often observed flocks of birds, especially small ones flying not too high. They moved in an unbelievably synchronized manner, as if it were not a flock at all, but one organism. Instantly reacting to a threat or external factor by changing shape, as if all the birds were rehearsing a collective dance.

The more complex the animal, the more complex the consciousness of its "Totem". Just as human consciousness is gathered into a unified "Egregore" of species, races, nationalities, religions, countries, professions, and the like, animal consciousness is gathered into a "Totem". The difference lies in the fact that a "Human" is capable of leaving any "Egregore" or "Pendulum" and transitioning to another much faster than animals in the process of long-term evolution; for example, there are fish with legs, meaning that a "Totem" is also capable of evolution.

For example, a citizen of Russia goes to the USA on a work visa, works there, then goes to serve in the army, then obtains citizenship, performs the ritual of oath, and thus becomes a part of another “Superorganism” or “Egregore”, although initially not belonging to it. Interestingly, a similar procedure can be carried out by an ethnic Chinese person leaving China, changing citizenship, and a resident of Africa, and so on.

However, an animal cannot do that, let's say a cat, cannot say—“I'm so tired of this cat life, I'll now be a dog”, and actually become a dog. Of course, it can end up as a kitten with a dog and by being nursed by her milk, have a close bond with that dog, but it cannot change its “Totem”. In principle, an animal is capable of evolving to the level of developing individual consciousness known as a “Monad”. Animals closely watching humans and continuously interacting with them go through this process the fastest, for example, cats. In this case, the embodiment of this animal occurs in the “First Caste” of humans, more details about the “Castes” can be found in my articles through the links below.
“How to become a successful person or what I'm doing wrong”—an article by Lord Denis Banchenko.
”Motivation and Value Scale or Again on Castes”—an article by Lord Denis Banchenko.
“Why does an eagle need binoculars if it doesn't even look towards the hummingbird”—an article by author Lord Denis Banchenko.In this case, when the formed "Monad" is subsequently embodied in the domain of the "First Caste" with the "Totem", such a person will have an "Animal" from which this "Monad" was formed, that is, the "Body of the animal mental" will have its "Totem", the so-called "Magical animal of power".

As a rule, people whose "Monads" were formed in this way and underwent a similar evolutionary path feel a strong connection with animals that are representatives of their "Totem". Thus, those people whose monads were formed, let's say, from tigers, pumas, jaguars, and so on, in the conditions of urban life will most likely feel an inexplicably strong connection with the feline species and so on. And those whose monads were formed with wolves will most likely be in closer contact with the canine species. More details on this point can be found by watching one of my interviews.

But “Magical civilizations” went further, they created artificial devices, of biological and non-biological origin, in order to be able to directly connect to the “Genius” of the planet and control the “Totems” within it, as well as “Egregores”, while having a group of “Mages” in smaller numbers, less than ten or a single “Mage”.

Cerebro (Marvel Comics)—Wikipedia.
Non-biological devices included idols or animal figurines, made of a specific material. With which, through various rituals, the “Totem” was associated. It served as an access terminal. And then, by exerting a specific energetic influence on it, “Mages” could control individual animal groups, or the behavior of the entire population, and if necessary, specific individual animals. Hence arose stylized stone and wooden bird monuments.

When I studied under “Aunt Kulash”, the name of a woman with deep shamanic roots. She talked about how from childhood she disliked snakes and constantly killed them wherever she encountered them. Then one day in her dream, “Mother Snake” or “Mother of all Snakes” came to her and asked her not to kill her children anymore, marking her first contact with “Snake Totem”.

When I was a child, we were supposed to have an earthquake. No one knew about it in advance, of course. I found out when I woke up, awakened by the fact that the whole house was shaking, and the dishes were falling along with the cabinets. I was terribly frightened and didn't immediately understand what was happening and what needed to be done. But the amazing thing in this case is that our cat had simply disappeared a few days before, and shortly after, just as suddenly, reappeared. Only much later, many years later, did I learn that the "Totem", closely integrated with the "Genius" of the planet and directly controlled by it, receives a signal of a catastrophe, leads the animals to a safe place, and temporarily withdraws its consciousness from the animal. It does this so that in case of death, the animal does not suffer, while the animal itself falls into a state akin to suspended animation. The fact that animals can predict natural disasters is no secret to anyone. On the night before this, the dogs barked incessantly, which was very strange and atypical, but I didn't pay attention to it then. How this appears from the perspective of the modern scientific community can be seen in the story of Azattyk Radio, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Some people are close to “Totems” of certain animals, and apparently this is related to their ability to connect with this “Totem”, which is the individual energetic configuration of the “Animal Mental Body” within the “Human” itself. The thing is, in “Magic,” the “Physical Body of the Human” is related to the animal kingdom, and it has its own consciousness that operates at the frequency of the “Anahata Chakra”, the so-called “Animal Mental”—this is the consciousness of the “Magical Animal Power”. Thus, the “Animal Mental Body” and “Magical Animal Power” are connected to a specific “Totem”, sometimes more than one.
There are certain thought forms created by ancient “Mages” that allow connecting to the eyes of animals, for example, an eagle. For this reason, technological civilizations endlessly lose to “Magical”. To find out what “Forms”, “Spells”, and “Thoughtforms” are, read in one of the fragments of the course “Artifacts” located below.
Closed Market “Artifacts”—article “Fragment of the full course“Artifacts” by authorLord Denis Banchenko.
Compare an unmanned aerial drone for observation from the air, which needs to be refueled with fuel or recharged with electricity, it makes a lot of noise, to an eagle that can find food anywhere, its flight is unlimited. “Biogenic-Magical civilizations” could summon rain in a specific location to extinguish a fire, thus saving millions of hectares of forest, they could relocate animals from there using a connection with “Totems”. Surely everyone has a tendency towards a specific “Totem” and the ability to communicate with it. Personally, I love all animals equally. And for a long time, I lived in such a dark connection with them that now I don't even believe in myself, in the fact that once I led a similar lifestyle.
And in the video, meet this “Phil”, the name of my long-eared owl, which I raised and fed, and then released into the wild, and my friend Victor, who witnessed the existence of this bird and the connection with it. The thing is, in the wild steppes, out of ten birds, only one survives until the first frosts. Actually, searching for food is the main task for the bird. And when they feel its absence, and consequently the agonizing death from hunger, they disperse, falling from a great height and hitting the ground to make death swift. They do this with their last strength. But sometimes it happens that they do not die, and then injured they came to me, and I saved them. Also, a wing fracture is almost always certain death for a bird without human help. Appreciate the biological diversity on our planet, and try to remember that when an animal or bird looks at You, through its eyes “Totem” looks and sometimes through “Totem” “Ancient Mage” can look at You.