
Сила притяжения или 6— й системный канал “Гения планеты земля” и расклад в “Системе Таро” отражающий его работу

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Attraction force or the 6th systemic channel 'Genius of the planet Earth' and the layout in the 'Tarot System' reflecting his work

Gravity, attraction, gravitation, universal gravitation.
Gravity, attraction, gravitation, universal gravitation—from Latin gravitas, which translates as"weight"—the universal fundamental interaction between all material bodies. In the approximation of small (compared to the speed of light) speeds and weak gravitational interaction, it is described by Newton's theory of gravitation, and in general, it is described by general theory of relativityEinstein's. In the quantum limit, gravitational interaction is presumably described by quantum theory of gravity.


Gravity - Wikipedia.

In Magic, unlike common colloquial, the term Genius— describes not a talented person, but consciousness or soul, in other interpretations “Spirit of the planet” or “Solar system”.


By the same analogy with human, his soul or monad, and the human himself analogous to him, planets in Magic, unlike the official scientific point of view, are considered as living beings and conscious organisms.

James Ephraim Lovelock
James Ephraim Lovelock(James Ephraim Lovelock);—British scientist, independent researcher, ecologist, and futurist. Became famous as the creator of the Gaia Hypothesis (according to which the planet Earth functions as a superorganism).
James Ephraim Lovelock—Wikipedia.

In the academic environment, in this matter, in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, there has been a certain shift, so in 1970, British scientist James Lovelock in collaboration with American microbiologist Lynn Margulis, first proposed the “Gaia Hypothesis”, actually also mentioned by other scientists before them but under a different name.

Lynn Margulis - American biologist, protistologist, creator of the modern version of the symbiogenesis theory.
Lynn Margulis (Lynn Margulis) - American biologist,protistologist, creator of the modern version of the theory of symbiogenesis. Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Lynn Margulis - Wikipedia.

According to the "Gaia Hypothesis", all living beings on Earth form a huge superorganism—called "Gaia" after the name of the ancient Greek goddess embodying Earth. Recognizing its self-regulation, the organism and its components contribute to life. An example cited by Lovelock in support of his hypothesis is the composition of the atmosphere, which is claimed to have been regulated over time to ensure the development and maintenance of life.

Gaia hypothesis—wikipedia.

In Magic, in the interpretation applied by the Mages themselves, the term Magic denotes a concept that has advanced far beyond mere science, and the hypothesis of “Gaia” within it, or the fact that the planet Earth is a living superorganism with its own higher consciousness, is not merely a hypothesis but an axiom and an immutable fact. Furthermore, the consciousness structure of the specific “planet Earth”, and not only it, is quite well studied in Magic, as are the mechanisms of this consciousness, with people and phenomena viewed as elements of a supersystem, just as certain physical laws acting within the planet's field.

Superorganism 'Gaia'.
Superorganism ‘Gaia’.

And today we will talk about a phenomenon called attraction force, or more precisely gravity.

The force of gravity mg is composed of the planet's gravitational attraction GMm/r2 and the centrifugal force of inertia mω2a.
The force of gravitymg is composed of the planet's gravitational attraction GMm/r2 and the centrifugal force of inertiamω2a.
Gravity - Wikipedia.

Because gravitational force, or gravity, is a term used exclusively in relation to surface forces on Earth. Whereas gravity describes a universal law.

Gravity - Wikipedia.
A single neuron and its axons on the left and the brain on the right, the neuron is part of the brain.
A single neuron and its axons on the left and the brain on the right, the neuron is part of the brain, just as an individual's consciousness is a component of the consciousness of the planet Earth or the superorganism Gaia.
Soul - Wikipedia.

To begin with, we need to understand that the Monad of a person is included in the Genius of planet Earth, which in turn is included in the Genius of the planet Earth, which in turn is included in the Genius of the Solar System, which in turn is included in the Genius of the Milky Way Galaxy, and so on.

Monad - in Greek μονάδα, from ancient Greek μονάς, μονάδος - unit, simple essence, from μόνος - one. According to the Pythagoreans, it denoted "divinity", or "first essence", or "the one, as indivisible".
Monad - Wikipedia.

One can apply the term consciousness assuming that an individual's consciousness is an element of the planetary superconsciousness, just as an individual neuron is part of the neural networks of the human brain. For this reason, a number of laws and phenomena are universal and operate at all levels, from the smallest element to the largest. This law, having a universal nature, is capable of acting in a wide range from physical phenomena of the objectively existing real world to virtual phenomena such as social relationships.

The structure of the galaxy—"Milky Way" or also "our Galaxy", in which the planet "Earth", "Solar System" and all individual stars visible to the naked eye are located. "Milky Way"—belongs to spiral galaxies with a bar. "Milky Way" together with Andromeda Galaxy (M31), Triangulum Galaxy (M33) and more than 40 dwarf satellite galaxies form the "Local Group of galaxies", which is part of the"Virgo Supercluster".
Milky Way Galaxy—Wikipedia.

It should be noted that if in science, which is essentially just a special case of Magic, the laws of the universe related to the three-dimensional reality plus time are studied. Then in Magic, as opposed to Science, ideas and principles underlying these ideas are studied, based on which the laws of limited three-dimensional reality are subsequently formed. Magic is a very advanced science of multidimensional spaces or multidimensional reality, and it is precisely because of this that Magic is able to connect concepts, events, and phenomena that classical Science cannot connect.

One of the movie posters for "Parallel Worlds", originally titled in English as Upside Down. A fantastic melodrama by director Juan Diego Solanas. This image, like the artwork it belongs to, perfectly reflects the emotional attraction that arises between people, and in this particular case, between a man and a woman.
Parallel Worlds (film) - Wikipedia.

From the perspective of classical science, such virtually-social concepts as attraction or infatuation have a chemical and psychological basis, which can be easily proven not only theoretically but also experimentally, including medically.

Attraction - Wikipedia.

Magic, unlike classical Science, considers attraction and infatuation as real purely physical phenomena and influences, having their initial manifestations in a multidimensional space of general objective multidimensional reality. And as a reflection of a particular case of multidimensional reality, physical manifestation in a three-dimensional world, in the form of biochemical and electrochemical reactions of the physical body. In other words, for Magic, phenomena such as planetary attraction and emotional attraction between people have the same nature at their core.


Let's figure out why this is so, it's all about perspective and depth of perception. For classical Science, a person is exclusively a physical body, and the personality of a personis a set of neural connections in the cerebral cortex, well, and sometimes, with some exceptions, also in the frontal lobes. Everything else related to the personality is not relevant and is considered autonomous body servicing nervous systems. In Magic, however, everything is quite different, the physical body of a person is seen only as one element of a rather complex complex of conjunctions consisting of seven bodies.

Man and his subtle—multidimensional bodies.
Man and his subtle—multidimensional bodies.

Thus, Magic considers each of these seven bodies as complete bodies with their perception organs, mass, structure, and interacting according to specific laws, both with each other and with the subtle bodies of other people. I write about this in great detail in my book, the link to which is provided below.

Denis Banchenko: "Short course on Tarot card reading for beginners"—google play docs.

Interaction, laws of physics and mysticism

An example of what interaction between people on the astral plane could look like.
An example of what interaction between people, especially between a man and a woman, could look like on the astral plane.

So, let's consider a situation where an emotional attachment has formed between two individuals, whether it's friendship, liking, infatuation, or attraction. From the perspective of Magic, this means that one of their subtle bodies having a specific structure and mass, as well as a range of other physical parameters, has come into physical contact with one of the subtle bodies of another person also having mass and structure, or several subtle bodies have done so. To simplify the understanding of this process and the idea of multidimensionality, a fairly simple example can be given with a subtle-multidimensional body of a person responsible for emotions.

An example of how interaction between people, especially between a man and a woman, could look on an ethericlevel.

For the emotional aspect in the complex of conjunctions of the seven bodies called the human, the so-called “Animal Mental Body” or “Animal Consciousness Body” or “Emotional Body” is responsible, sometimes referred to as the Anahata Chakra Body. In Magic, the term mental refers to a certain abstract parameter describing consciousness, any consciousness, even if it is primitive or, on the contrary, very advanced.

Emotions - Wikipedia.

The name “Body of the Anahata Chakra” arose because the “Body of the Animal Mind” is integrated into the overall complex of connections called human through the Anahata Chakra. Chakras are similar to computer ports, from power ports to various data and video output ports, all of which I also extensively write about in my book. It should be understood that when talking about extrasensory or mystical visions of chakras, or about the chakras themselves, they primarily imply the vision of their projection in the form of glowing spheres in specific areas of the Astral Body.

Visual image of the projection 'Chakras' in the area of the 'Human Astral Body'.
Visual image of the projection 'Chakras' in the area of the 'Human Astral Body'.

Although when seeing chakras on different planes, they have different projections, and accordingly, consciousness interprets them differently.

Visual representation of the projection of the 'Anahata Chakra' during the 'Astral Plane Vision'.
Visual representation of the projection of the 'Anahata Chakra' during 'Astral Plane Vision'.

In turn, the ability to a certain type of vision, that is, the type of perception, depends on the position of the "Assemblage Point" of a specific individual. I extensively write about the concept of the "Assemblage Point" in my article on facebook, the link to which is posted below.

"Assembly Point" - a Facebook article by author Denis Banchenko.

If, for example, with the position of “Assembly Points” in the area between “Anahata Chakra” and “Vishuddha Chakra”, any chakra is seen as a certain sphere in the area of the “Astral Body” having a specific coloration, then with the position of “Assembly Points” in the area of “Vishuddha Chakra” and above, clear visual and geometric forms appear, hence the so-called “Chakra Yantras”visual representations or visual images of chakras imprinted by those who have ever seen them in the form of drawings.

Yantra - 'Anahata Chakra'.
Yantra - 'Anahata Chakra'.

Now let's imagine two people whose “Physical bodies” are in the same time—this is one of the physical coordinates of the objectively existing world, at the same point in three-dimensional space—these are three other physical coordinates. Together, we have the intersection of two autonomous complexes of conjunctions of seven subtle bodies called human along four coordinates of multidimensional space-time.

When the “Physical Bodies” of two different subjects or individuals are found in the same point of three-dimensional space and at the same time, it is not necessary that their subtle-multidimensional bodies will also be nearby and interact.

Now that “Physical bodies” are close together and even the hearts of these people are in a certain physical proximity, whether there will be an emotional connection between them depends on many other parameters. These parameters are not related to the physical three-dimensional world, and are in turn only a part of the multidimensional reality. For example, as strange as it may seem, the understanding of this process, the process of describing the current physical parameters of the “Mental body of a human”, was closest not to classical physics, but to classical psychology. Academic psychology introduced such seemingly abstract concept for describing these very real physical parameters of the “Animal mental body of a human” as “Types of individual emotions”, and then various enthusiasts and experimenters in psychology developed this concept into a more concrete and numerical “Tone scale of emotions” or “Emotional scale”. Debates about these terms and their use in psychology, as in science, continue to this day, where they are officially applied in some places and not in others.

Emotional Tone Scale.
Emotional Tone Scale.
Emotional Intelligence - Wikipedia.

Also, academic psychology, to define and manage the physical parameters of “Animal Mind Body”, introduced a tool known as “Emotional Intelligence”.

Another version of the emotional tone scale, the so-called spiral of emotions.
Another version of the emotional tone scale called the spiral of emotions.
"How to become a successful person or what I am doing wrong" (an article about Castes) - an article on Facebook by the author denisbanchenko.

The point is that in the classical version of “Animal Mentality Body” of an ordinary average person, with the position of “Assembly Points” up to “Manipura Chakra” inclusive, which are the first three castes of people (I write in detail about the castes in the article linked above), most of the people on the planet look like an energy shell of an egg-shaped form of neon-green color.

Totem- personal facebook page Denis Banchenko.

It should be noted that this is the case if the viewing is conducted by a certified psychic (whose abilities have been verified by either a medical state institution, a research institute, or a public organization) with the positioning of “Assembly Point” in the area of “Anahata Chakra”, because with a deeper viewing from the areas of the positioning of “Assembly Point” corresponding to “Vishuddha Chakra”, it may already be available for viewing “Human Totem” (I write in detail about what a Totem is in one of my articles on Facebook available at the link above) or become available for viewing and visualizing its so-called “Magical Power Animal”. This aspect is thoroughly studied in the course on the art of lucid dreaming enrollment for which is periodically announced on my page on Facebook.

Attempt to visualize the 'Human Mental Body' for the average person of the first three castes.
Attempt to visualize the 'Human Mental Body' for the average person of the first three castes.

Realizing all of the above, one can conclude that interaction between people on an emotional level is possible if their “Animal Mental Bodies” parameters are similar or close, meaning the position of one person's “Animal Mental Body” in multidimensional space will correspond to the position of another person's “Animal Mental Body”, thus making their physical interaction possible.

Attempt to relatively abstractly depict the work of "Anahata Chakras" and "Animal Mental Bodies".

It is precisely due to such physical interaction that the so-called emotional attachment, infatuation, or attraction arises, although the latter is more related to the "Etheric Body" rather than the "Human Mental Body". Essentially, emotional attachment or attraction is nothing but the action of gravitational forces between subtle bodies of individuals having mass. Therefore, it is also valid that for the emergence of emotional attachment, close proximity and interaction of subtle multidimensional bodies in a multidimensional space-time are necessary, and there is absolutely no need for the physical bodies of people to be close. Hence, very often emotional attachment can arise between people whose physical bodies have never met each other. Very often, for example, teenagers fall in love with their idols without ever seeing them, or feelings arise during correspondence and so on, there are many possibilities.

View from the perspective of science

Periodic table of elements by Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.
Periodic table of elements by Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.

At first glance, it may seem that concepts and ideas from different, incompatible paradigms are being linked, and the presentation is unscientific, but that's not the case. Magic is a Science that has advanced far beyond all social formations and any scientific communities, as well as the people of the first three castes. To shed some light on this issue, one should refer to one of the historical facts, namely the history of the creation of the “Periodic Table of Elements” named after its creator, “The Mendeleev Table”. The last time the real “Mendeleev Table” was seen in its unaltered form was in 1906 in Saint Petersburg when it was published in the textbook “Fundamentals of Chemistry”, 8th edition. The differences from the modern modified table are immediately apparent: the zero group has been moved to the 8th, and the element lighter than hydrogen, with which the table should start, conventionally called Newtonium or “The First Element of Ether”, has been completely excluded.

Monument Table to Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev
"Monument Table to Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev" in the city of St. Petersburg, on the facade of the building of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev located at Moskovsky Prospekt 19.

In the city of Saint Petersburg, on the facade of the building of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev located at 19 Moskovsky Avenue, there is a mosaic depicting the undistorted table. The mosaic monument-table “Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev” was created under the guidance of Professor of the Academy of Arts V.A. Frolov, with the architectural design by Krichevsky. The monument is based on the table from the last posthumous 8th edition of 1906 “The Foundations of Chemistry by Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev”. Elements discovered during Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev's lifetime are marked in red. Elements discovered from 1907 to 1934 are marked in blue. The height of the monument-table is 9 meters with a total area of 69 square meters. Very few people know that Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was one of the last internationally renowned Russian scientists of the late 19th century who defended the idea of the ether as a universal substantial essence in global science, attributing to it fundamental scientific and practical significance in unraveling the mysteries of existence and for improving the economic life of the people. Almost no one knows that after the death of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev on January 27, 1907, recognized then as an outstanding scientist by all scientific communities worldwide except for the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, his main discovery—“The Periodic Law” was deliberately and universally falsified by academic science.

Talk: Aether (classical element) - Wikipedia.

Why is this so important, it's all about the fact that the first body after the physical one in terms of dimensionality is the “Etheric body”, in turn the “Etheric body” is so close in parameters to the physical world and in particular to the physical body that it is capable of reacting to magnetic fields and to another series of physical influences while having a significant mass. But the most important thing is that as the first additional interaction that a person encounters beyond physical sensations, which, by the way, are responsible for the “Astral body”—this is the interaction of “Etheric bodies”.

Sacral Chakra Yantra.
Yantra Svadhisthana chakra.

In other words, the so-called “Interaction through the Svadhisthana Chakra” typically results in a stable energetic channel, and I elaborate on such interactions in one of my recent articles on Facebook, the link to which I provide below.

"*"Close intimate contacts of the third degree" connections and the sword of fire"—an article on Facebook by Denis Banchneko.

The so-called ether theory is quite well illuminated and disclosed in modern society by scientists such as for example Vladimir Akimovich Atsyukovsky.

Vladimir Akimovich Atsyukovsky - Russian engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, full member of the public organization "Russian Academy of Natural Sciences", member of "Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky", honorary member of the Russian Academy of Electrical Sciences.
Vladimir Akimovich Atsyukovsky—wiki-org.ru encyclopedia.

Each of the subsequent thin-multidimensional bodies also has its proto-forming environment, just as the physical body of a human is formed from atoms, molecules, cells, and so on, and has mass capable of gravitational interaction. That is, the immersion goes into the micro-world, but in reality, it goes not so much into the micro, nano, pico, and so on worlds as into the realm of increasing the frequency of oscillations of environmental elements and multidimensionality.

Taro and the 6th Systemic Canal of the Genius of the Earth

Tree of Sephiroth.
Tree of Sephiroth.

The Tree of Sephiroth whose image is located above, describes the structure of the Genius of the planet Earth or the Consciousness of Gaia, as mentioned in the article itself. This structure can be conditionally divided into three sections corresponding to a certain type of time. Thus, all Sephiroth are located to the right if we align the projection of the Tree of Sephiroth with the image of a human physical body, that is, so to speak, on the right side, and these are Hod, Geburah, and Binah related to the past. And all Sephiroth to the right are related to the future, that is, Netzach, Chesed, and Chokmah. The central pillar, however, represents the present time, in this pillar are located Malkuth, Yesod, Tiferet, and Keter.

Tree of Life (Kabbalah) - Wikipedia.

Physical world where the coordinates of the physical body are located in a multidimensional space is described by Sephiroth Malkuth. The etheric plane, which was discussed in the section on the history of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev and his discovery of the ether, is described by Sephiroth Yesod. The world describing the functioning of the subconscious and consciousness in the dream state and collective unconscious is reflected by Sephiroth Netzach, and so on. More details on this can be found in my book, the link to which I have already provided, or you can take my course on Tarot at the international academy Udemy. Alternatively, you can take a course on “The Art of Dreaming”, enrollment for which is periodically announced on my personal page on Facebook.

Tarot | Tarot | Tarochi (Tarot as Science)— courseLord Denis Banchenkoat the international academy Udemy.

Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion and realize that the 6th Major Arcanum of Tarot describing the operation of the "6th System Channel of the Genius of the Earth planet", as an acting force, is located in the future relative to the physical three-dimensional world. That is why this force and principle are called the force of attraction, not the force of interaction. This happens because the force of attraction for objects is not yet a complete interaction, which as a principle operates in the "15th System Channel" and is described by the "15th Major Arcanum". Translating this to people and their social relationships, it can be said that people who as a result of visual contact, or other contact, for example as a result of correspondence or dreaming, that is, a seen dream, started to feel sympathy or attraction towards each other, have not yet transitioned into a state of full interaction.

Gravity or gravitational force.
Gravity or gravitational force.

The physical law of universal gravitation sounds like this: two bodies attract each other with force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Law of Universal Gravitation.
Law of Universal Gravitation.
All of the above means that the force of interaction between different subtle bodies of a human will depend on the mass of their subtle bodies. In turn, the mass of the subtle-multidimensional body of a human will depend on its structure, and the accumulated energy in these structures, because in Magic there is a rule, it states that energy is capable of accumulating exclusively in structures, and during its accumulation, the mass of the subtle-multidimensional body increases. For example, let's imagine a person, for instance, a scientist who has accumulated a lot of energy in the area of “Vishuddha chakra”, that is, in the area of the “Body of human mental”, in other words, in the “Consciousness of the Human Personality”. In this case, energy is accumulated in structures, and the structures themselves are formed by acquired knowledge becoming experience and part of human nature. Therefore, the mass of such a subtle-multidimensional body will be large, consequently, the gravitational force exerted by this body on other people in the area of consciousness and speech will be significant, and such a person will attract more and more new people to them as an interesting conversationalist. Most people, once they have interacted with such a scientist in the area of this subtle-multidimensional body, for example, having a conversation with them, will seek communication again and again, being attracted and orbiting around their life, just like planets orbit around the sun. It is for this reason that very often between great scientists who have a huge mass of “Bodies of human mental”, the strongest interaction arises, usually in the form of communication or correspondence stretching over decades. This is because the gravitational force created by the masses of their subtle-multidimensional bodies, such people is very and very significant. In contrast to this example, one can imagine a girl who has accumulated a lot of energy in the area of “Anahata chakra”, that is, the “Body of animal mental”, which significantly increases the gravitational mass of the subtle-multidimensional “Body of Emotions”. Many young men will fall in love with such a girl to the point of losing their minds, or if she has accumulated a lot of energy in the area of “Svadhisthana chakra”, which is the “Etheric Body”, therefore, with a large mass of the “Etheric body”, such a girl will evoke sexual attraction in people, due to the large mass of her etheric body. The strength of this state in people will decrease as this woman moves away from them proportionally to the square of the distance. The force of interaction can be calculated precisely using the same formulas as the force of gravitational interaction between planets. That is, the more structured any of the subtle-multidimensional bodies of a human are, the stronger the gravitational influence they exert. However, this influence is reflected in unusual types of interactions for the unconscious person, so causal relationships very often remain unnoticed and unconscious.

Layout for the 6th Major Arcanum for analyzing interactions occurring within the framework of the 6th System Channel

Exemplary image of a Tarologist, as a collective archetype—a woman preparing to work with Tarot.
Exemplary image of Tarologist, as a collective archetypea woman preparing to work with Tarot.

The layout of the 6th Major Arcana is intended for the exploration of newly started or beginning relationships between people or social structures, when there is only mutual attraction, affection, or sympathy between the participants without forming any connection at this stage that influences their behavior. There is a layout scheme for the 6th Major Arcana on card 6 of the Major Arcana deck of Rider-Waite. The layout is intended to provide a quantitative and qualitative characterization of the acting gravitational forces.

Map of the VI Major Arcana of the Tarot deck by Arthur Edward Waite.
Map of the VI Major Arcana of the Tarot deck by Arthur Edward Waite.

Since participants are not closely tied to each other, and do not interact in the full sense of the word, each of them retains the ability to by an effort of will, expending a certain amount of energy, break away from interaction with this attraction, with this gravitational force.

Arthur Edward Waite - a well-known British mystic, occultist, and Freemason.
Arthur Edward Waite (Arthur Edward Waite) - a renowned British mystic, occultist, Freemason, who authored numerous authoritative works on occult and esoteric subjects, as well as the co-creator of Rider-Waite Tarot.
Arthur Edward Waite (Arthur Edward Waite)—wikipedia.

Most often, this layout is used to assess deal prospects and agreements before concluding legally significant agreements, while already completed deals and their durability will be assessed by the layout of the 15th Major Arcana. This layout is also used to assess the likelihood of continuing personal relationships after a brief acquaintance, correspondence, or phone communication.

Spread by the VI Major Arcana of Tarot.
Spread by VI Major Arcana of Tarot.

If the question was asked about the relationship between men and women, then the cards on the left show information about the woman, and the cards on the right about the man. In any other unspecified cases, the cards on the left belong to the querent, the cards on the right to the one being asked about. If the layout is done for third parties of the same gender or for a person and a group, then the arrangement of the cards for each of them in the layout should be designated in advance, but in general, the side with less gravitational force should be on the left.

Map of the VI Major Arcana of the Tarot by Aleister Crowley.

For those who want to delve deeper into how the "Tarot System" works and what it is, to understand the deep mechanisms and the connection of this tool and processes with objective reality, there is a video lecture of the original course "Tarot as a Science" that you can explore below.

Original video of the course "Tarot as a Science" - describing in detail the mechanisms of Tarot cards.
Working time of a Tarologist with this type of layout, if the work does not require determining the “Caste of a person” or “Casts” of both sides involved in the work (for the analysis of which the layout is directed), usually ranges from one to two hours. The cost of such work is estimated at 0.37 XAU (three tenths seventy hundredths of a troy ounce of gold). Payment is possible in any freely convertible currency in the world, including precious stones and metals.

© Lord Banchenko Denis

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©Photo by the author of this article - Lord Banchenko DenisYuryevich.
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