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What is 'Cocoon'— a fragment of the course—'The Art of Dreaming'—'The First Gate' (second lecture, second cycle—part one)—'The Concept of “Cocoon” in “Magic”'
What is “The Cocoon” - a fragment of the course “The Art of Dreaming” - “The First Gates” (second lecture, second cycle - part one) - The Concept of “The Cocoon” in “Magic”
I Cocoon—(French cocon) a protective structure of many insect larvae. Usually, a cocoon is woven from silk thread secreted by the larva before pupation; such are the cocoons of many moth caterpillars, moths, silkworms, and some ants, incorrectly referred to as 'ant eggs'. Many beetle larvae, for example, weevils of the genus Cionus, construct cocoons from the slime they secrete during pupation. In some insects, pupation occurs inside a case where the larva lived (e.g., bagworm moth cases). False cocoons (or puparia) of many flies are the skins of larvae left after molting. Earthworms, leeches, spiders, and some mollusks form so-called egg cocoons, inside which eggs develop.
II Kokonshelkovichny - a shell formed by the silkworm before transforming into a pupa; raw material for obtaining natural silk. The greatest industrial importance is attributed to the cocoon of the mulberry silkworm; in addition, cocoons of the Chinese oak silkworm, ailanthus silkworm, and others are also used. The caterpillars of these silkworms produce a double silk thread consisting of fibroin protein, sericin adhesive substance, pigment, and other substances. By spinning the cocoon on the cocoonery (see Cocoonery), the caterpillar wraps the thread around its body in figure-eight loops, forming the main, unwinding part of the cocoon shell. The length of the continuous silk thread can reach up to 1200 meters, with a thickness of 20-30 micrometers. The cocoons of the mulberry silkworm have an oval, spindle-shaped, or cylindrical form, while those of the oak silkworm are less regular in shape. Cocoons intended for unwinding are stifled - treated with hot air or steam to kill the pupa and prevent it from transforming into a butterfly, which would damage the cocoon by creating an exit hole. The stifled cocoons are dried (see Cocoon dryer) to prevent spoilage during storage. The weight of raw (live) cocoons ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 grams, while the weight of the unwound cocoon shell is 350-550 milligrams. Female cocoons are on average 20% heavier than male cocoons. References: Mikhailov E.N., Sericulture, Moscow, 1950; Textbook for a Silkworm Breeder, Moscow, 1966. E.N. Mikhailov. Cocoon of the mulberry silkworm (cross-section): a - shell; b - pupa; c - caterpillar skin shed during molting onto the pupa.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia.—Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia 1969–1978
In “Magic”, “Esotericism”, and in general in “Occultism”, the term “Cocoon” became widely used after the wide dissemination in the world of the works of Carlos Castaneda. He was an American writer, a doctor of philosophy in anthropology, an ethnographer, a thinker of “Esoteric” orientation, and a “Mystic”, the author of 12 best-selling volumes, with a circulation of 28 million copies in 17 languages dedicated to the exposition of the “Esoteric Teaching”. Before that, the term “Aura” was most commonly used for description. In religions and legends, “Aura” is described as a glow around the head and/or the entire body of a person. It can be considered a sign of special, “Mystical power”. In “Mystical literature”, it is described as visible only in extrasensory perception, a shining oval shape surrounding the entire body of a person, in visual arts, known as a “Halo” or “Nimbus” or “Aureole””.
In reality, an energy cocoon is an egg-shaped energy structure that surrounds all objects, woven from glowing energy lines permeating the entire Universe. The objects themselves are also made up of these same threads. All objects in this world, living and non-living, possess an energy structure similar to a cocoon. The difference between the energy cocoon of a living object and an inanimate one lies in the shape and the fact that the cocoons of inanimate objects are static, they do not change or change extremely slowly. The cocoon of a living object is mobile and dynamic, constantly changing—it has a “Assembly Point”, which inanimate objects lack. Detailed information on what the “Assembly Point” is can be found in another section of the course “The Art of Dreaming”, the link to which is provided below.
“Точка Сорки”—an article placed on the resource Medium by the author Lord Denis Banchenko.
The world consists of unevenly distributed information in space. The density gradient of this information forms semblances of threads, threads from which the universe is woven. “Cocoon” is woven into this entire common system and is an integral part of all 6 subtle bodies and + 1 physical body. “Subtle-multidimensional” bodies from “Anahata” to “Sahasrara” chakras, namely “Animal Mental Body”, “Human Mental Body”, “Superhuman Mental Body”, and “Divine Mental Body” form the “Monad”. More details about “Subtle-multidimensional” “Chakras” and their interrelation in bodies can be found in my book, the link to which is provided below.
Lord Denis Banchenko: "Short course on Tarot card reading for beginners"—google play docs.
"15th System Channel" forming connections, exists only on "Gee" or "Gaia", that is, on the planet "Earth", as it is one of the 22nd "System Channels" constituting the "Genius" of the planet "Earth". I provide information on what "Gaia" is with scientific materials published in peer-reviewed journals on research in this area in my articles and excerpts from other courses, the links to which can be found below.
“The force of attraction or the 6th systemic channel “Genius of the planet Earth” and the layout in the “Tarot System” reflecting its operation”—description of the layout and mechanisms of forming relationships published on the resource Medium by the author Denis Banchenko..
“Artifacts | Amulets”—technologies of creation and usage—fragment of the full course“Artifacts”located on the resource Medium by authorLord Denis Banchenko.
Above, through the 3rd 'System Channel', there is an exit to the external 'Universe' through the 'External Channels of the Genius of the planet Earth' and specifically to the 'Genius of the Solar System'. Each 'System Channel' describes its functions and system settings with glyphs or other visual representations of a separate map of the major or great arcana of Tarot cards.
More details about the operation mechanism of "Taro Systems" can be found by watching a video lecture on "Taro System as a Science", which is kindly provided for viewing below.
— The universe consists of an infinite number of energy fields resembling threads of light.
- These thread-like energy fields emanate from a source of unimaginable vastness, metaphorically referred to as the Eagle. For this reason, the energy fields are called Emanations of the Eagle.
Human beings are also made up of an infinite number of thread-like energy fields that manifest in the form of a large glowing egg. The dimensions of this egg vertically equal the height of a human body with arms stretched overhead, and horizontally it extends to the width of arms spread out to the sides. This egg is called the human cocoon.
(c) Carlos Castaneda—quote from Don Juan's monologue in the book 'The Power of Silence'
For those of you who have completed the course "TAROT | TAROCCHI | ТАРО on Udemy", it is known that a person represents a complex of conjunctions "Seven subtle-multidimensional bodies", with the "Physical body" being just one of them. I detail this in a lecture recording from a seminar I conducted in Moscow as part of the "Fundamentals of Extrasensory Perception Course"; this lecture is available in 4 parts and is freely accessible on my YouTube channel. The video recordings of this seminar and the lectures given within it are presented below.
If we speak briefly, each body has differentiation, and the presence of its own sense organs, similar to the physical body. For example, the astral body has its perceiving organs—analyzing light, sound, and so on, only on different frequencies.
Under the terms “Energy Body”, usually understood as the entire “Multidimensional part of the human monad”, that is, everything that is human but is not his “Physical Body”. The “Etheric Body”, “Astral Body”, and “Mental Bodies” represent separate areas of the “Energy Body”, having specific properties and functions, particularly differing in their “Frequency” and “Dimensionality”, that is, the distance from the “Physical Plane”, namely the three-dimensional world. In the most energy-efficient perspective, the “Etheric Body” is seen as a mist of leaden color repeating the form of the “Physical Body”, the other “Bodies” are seen as “Auras” or egg-shaped structures surrounding the individual.
It should be noted that the lower part of the egg is the thickest, while the upper part is the thinnest, this is due to the fact that in the first three "Casts" of the "Human" there is more energy in the lower "Chakras" and less in the upper ones.
The detailed explanation of what "Castes" are has been repeatedly provided in a series of articles, the links to which are placed below."How to become a successful person or what I am doing wrong"—an article posted in the business profile of the social network facebook (possible redirect to the resource Medium) by author Lord Denis Banchenko.
"Motivation and Value Scale or Again on Castes" - an article posted on the business profile of the social network facebook (possible redirect to the Medium resource) by author Lord Denis Banchenko.
"Why would an eagle need binoculars if it doesn't even look towards the hummingbird"—an article posted on the business profile of the social network facebook (possible redirect to Medium) by author Lord Denis Banchenko.
From here in the “Magical System of Mandal”, there are symbols encoding values. Thus, “People” are encoded by an upright triangle, while “Mages” are encoded by an inverted triangle.
Encoding the value “Mage”, with a triangle, the vertex of which is directed downwards, is associated with the alteration of “Energetic Structures”, thus, a significant portion of the energy and structures of “Mages”,
located in high-frequency multidimensional bodies or otherwise in consciousness, that is, in “Mental” bodies, and in “People’s” in “Physical”, “Etheric” or “Astral” bodies.
The video below reveals in more detail the encoding characters and their meanings, which is an attachment to the course on “Mandal System” and its usage.
Possible and other perspectives of viewing subtle-multidimensional bodies are possible, but they will require the viewer great efforts and significant energy expenditure. With such perspectives, it is possible to see “Totem”“Human”, more details on what “Totem” is can be read in one of my articles, the link to which is located below.
"Totem" - an article posted on the platform Medium by the author Lord Denis Banchenko..
It is impossible to separate any of the thin-multidimensionalbodies of a person by frequency from the “Anahata” and higher from his monad, as it would be the destruction of the monad, but it is possible to shift the subtle body of a person relative to the physical body in some areas.
For this, he trained La Gorda and me in joint seeing and managed to show us that although human beings may appear to the seer as luminous eggs, the egg-like form is just an outer cocoon, a shell of luminosity that conceals an extremely intriguing, captivating, mesmerizing core consisting of concentric rings of yellowish flame-colored luminosity. During our last session, he allowed us to see people milling around the church. The day was ending, twilight was falling, and the beings inside their sturdy luminous cocoons emitted enough light to clearly illuminate everything around. The sight was wondrous. Don Juan explained that the egg-like shell, which seemed so bright, was actually dull. The luminosity emanated from the shining core. The shell actually dimmed this radiance. Don Juan told us that in order to free this being, the shell must be broken. It must be broken from within and at the right time, just as creatures break the shell when hatching from eggs. If they fail to do so, they suffocate and perish. And just like creatures hatching from eggs, a warrior cannot break the shell of their luminosity before the appointed time. Don Juan told us that losing the human form is the only means of releasing the luminous core of awareness, which serves as food for the Eagle. Breaking this shell means remembering one's other self and coming to the wholeness of oneself.
©The Eagle's Gift (first published in 1981), Carlos Castaneda
With other parts of the course "The Art of Dreaming" and student reviews, you can familiarize yourself with the links below.
Fragment of the course “The Art of Dreaming—The First Gates (the first lecture of the first cycle—part one) May 16, 2020—“What are dreams”—fragment posted on the resource Medium by author Lord Denis Bachnenko.
One of the previous events - the course "Art of Dreaming" - "The First Gates" lasting from June 27, 2020, to August 08, 2020 and the students' reviews about it, published on the personal profile of Denis Banchenko on the social network Facebook with a redirect to the event in the business profile of Denis Banchenko on the social network Facebook.
When using materials from the article, a link to the Author and the Source is mandatory.
The duration of the course "The Art of Dreaming - the First Gates" is six weeks. Classes in groups are held on Saturdays and Sundays. The class time is from 11:00 to 13:00, with the rest of the time allocated for self-practice. Individual lessons are also available. The classes include lecture and practical parts. The cost of the course is estimated at 1.00 XAU (one troy ounce of gold) or the equivalent in any freely convertible currency in the world, present in free markets.
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