
Рынок Магических форм, предметов и технологий.

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Closed Market of Artifacts - Fragment of the Course 'Artifacts'

Campbell R. McConnell - American economist, emeritus professor, author of the textbook 'Economics'.
Campbell R. McConnell (Campbell R. “Mac” McConnell) - American economist, emeritus professor, author of the textbook Economics, now in its 21st edition.


On our beautiful planet, in our dimension, and in our world, there exists a "Closed Market of Magic". According to K. R. McConnell and S. L. Bryu, a market is an institution, a mechanism that brings together buyers and sellers of individual goods and services.

The concept of “Market”—wikipedia.
Representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are actively present in the structure of the Market of Magic at the third level.
At the third level of the structure of the Market of Magic, representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are actively present.

The markets themselves can take various forms, but the "Magic Market" is a closed institution for the uninitiated. Its structure includes three levels within it. Moreover, at the third level of the Magic Market institution's structure, representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations or Higher Civilizations actively participate, engage in its operations, and processes.

The First Level of the Institute of Magic Market or the First Magic Market

Facade and storefront of one of the stores of the 'Witch's Happiness' network in the city of Saint Petersburg, Russia, located on Pushkinskaya Street in house number 110.
Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.goo.gl
Official logo of the chain of stores “Witch's Happiness” in the Russian Federation.

The first level of this institution is relatively open and manifested in the human social environment called society in the form of a series of public Esoteric Goods Stores. For example, in Russia, there is a chain of stores called “Witch's Happiness”.

“Witch's Happiness” - the official website of the organization.

In Italy, the publishing house Lo Scarabeo (Sacred Scarab), founded by Pietro Alligo in 1987, still produces Tarot Cards using a special technology. The headquarters of the publishing house is located at Via Cigna 110 in the city of Turin.

Lo Scarabeo—Wikipedia.
The headquarters of the publishing house Lo Scarabeo located in Turin, Italy, at house number 110 on Via Cigna street.
Google Maps
Find information about local businesses, view maps, and get driving directions in Google Maps.www.google.com

In Egyptian mythology, the scarab was revered as the sacred insect of the Sun gods and was considered a symbol of the Sun's creative power, as well as a symbol of rebirth in the afterlife. The Egyptians identified the scarab with the mystery of creating the luminary and depicted the Egyptian god Khepricreator of the world and manwith a scarab head.

The official logo of the company Lo Scarabeo—an Italian company that produces ancient and modern Tarot cards, traditional, artistic, and fortune-telling cards, as well as games for children and guidebooks. The company's logo is actually an Ancient Egyptian symbol of the Sacred Scarab.
Sacred Scarab—Wikipedia.

Scarab - one of the most revered symbols of Ancient Egypt, as it was believed that the small beetle repeats the path of the Sun. Similar to how the Sun travels across the sky, emitting light and warmth, creating conditions for the rebirth of life in all existence, the scarab rolls its ball of dung with eggs from east to west until the embryos mature and emerge into the light.

Scarabaeus sacerLinnaeus—international scientific name.

It was believed that all small animals were born from the fertile mud of the Nile, and only the scarab beetle was born from the sands of the desert. Images of the sacred scarab are found in the tomb paintings, on papyri. Jewelry and sculptures depicting scarabs have been preserved. In the temple complex of Karnak not far from Luxor, a column crowned with a stone scarab has been preserved. Images of the Scarab were often used to make seals, numerous magical objects, and Talismans.

Image of the Sacred Scarab on the wall of Pharaoh Ramses IX in Valley of the Kings.

This attitude towards the insect is actually related to the structure of its delicate body or its energetic structure, best illustrated by a phrase spoken by Magus Don Juan Matus and recorded in one of the books of Magus Carlos Castaneda.

"Those who can see can see, for example, how the light of the scarab's emanations expands to grandiose sizes disappearing into infinity".
© "Fire from Within" the eighth book by Carlos Castaneda.
Official logo of the store “Shasta Rainbow Angel”, United States of America, city of Mount Shasta.

In the United States of America, at 320 Kountiy Hwy A10 in the city of Mount Shasta, state of California, there is a store called Shasta Rainbow Angel, also affiliated with the first level of the 'Market of Magic' institute, where products are available to ordinary people. Sometimes, very valuable items can be found in this store. It was there that I once purchased a number of crystals, some of which formed the basis for the creation and growth of crystals in the "Magic Machine", to create a high-level Artifact"DAAT Ver. 2.0", which will be discussed further in this article. Another part of the crystals began to be used to tune consciousness to the frequencies of a parallel world. And one of them was gifted to one of the Magical traditions.

Storefront of "Shasta Rainbow Angel", United States of America, city of Mount Shasta.

First-level goods related to the Magic Market institution are very cheap and affordable for almost everyone interested. However, non-initiated individuals perceive these goods as very expensive and useless items, akin to trinkets. In turn, for Extra-Sensory Mages, Healing Mages, and Mages of other specializations, whose Assembly Point is located in the area between Anahata and Manipura Chakras, this market provides all the necessary tools used in their work. I elaborate on what the “Assembly Point” is in detail in my article, the link to which is provided below.

“Assembly Point”—an article by author Lord Denis Banchenko.

The necessary condition for the development of Wizards are Artifacts or Items of Power, as well as Magical Machines, allowing to fix the Assembly Point at a higher position. Crafting Talismans for Wizard-Sensitives and Wizard-Healers is not a very labor-intensive task, and such artifacts cost within 999 £British pounds sterling. Among such Artifacts, individual Amulets can be mentioned, which I and other Magicians can craft on demand; you can see how they roughly look by following the link below.

ARTIFACT | AMULET WITH INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM - facebook social network store.

The price range for the first level of the Market of Magic Institute or Magical Artifacts (Magical Items of Power) is £9–£999 British Pounds Sterling. It is quite logical that ordinary uninitiated people are unable to distinguish a simple item from an enchanted Talisman. Therefore, they sincerely do not understand why absolutely physically identical items can cost tens of times more than £999 British Pounds Sterling for an enchanted one, and exactly the same item, but not enchanted, £9 British Pounds Sterling.

For example, ordinary glasses in a frame, with regular lenses, can represent a powerful Talisman of the 12th Major Arcanum.

Only Wizard is able to distinguish between different spells, which one is simpler and therefore cheaper, and which one is more complex and therefore more expensive. Formally, the first level of the Magic Market Institute is open and available to ordinary, non-initiated people, but this accessibility gives them little. They do not understand how to use them and are unable to do so independently, without a guiding Wizard.

An ordinary person is unable to distinguish a Talisman from an Amulet, understand the difference, discern the charge of one Talisman from the charge of another Talisman, or determine the lack of charge. For these purposes, a person needs a professional Magic consultant.

Unregulated Market of 'Magical Services'

Currently, there is also an unregulated market of Magical services where typically services are offered by Magicians-Clairvoyants and Magicians-Healers. A large number of witches, witchers, sorceresses, fortune tellers, wizards around the world offer their services, the quality and adequacy of which are either impossible or very difficult to verify. Attempts to regulate this market, for example, in modern Russian Federation, have been made twice in my memory. The first time, this was attempted by the deputy Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region Petrov Vladimir Stanislavovich, who as the author of the bill on the establishment of the Ministry of Magic in the state structure of the Russian Federation, proposed introducing a series of restrictive measures.

Deputy Leningrad Oblast Legislative Assembly - Petrov Vladimir Stanislavovich.

In particular, “to prohibit Extrasensory and Sorcerers from using methods dangerous to health, exerting psychological pressure, and disclosing confidential client data”. It was also proposed to establish the corresponding Ministry and maintain a registry of all individuals engaged in such activities, as well as to develop several new laws. Violators of the law were proposed to be fined or face other sanctions—ranging from administrative to criminal liability.

Article from the information agency Znak"Leningrad deputy proposed to create a Ministry of Magic"—official website of the information agency Znak.

The second time this was done by Vitaly Milonov, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the party 'United Russia.' He introduced a bill to the deputies on criminal liability for illegal activities related to Magic and folk medicine. Milonov defined occult-magical activities as: activities and services of individuals (psychics, clairvoyants, astrologers, fortune tellers, magicians, spirits), including for the purpose of diagnosing and influencing a person, their spiritual world, health, property, as well as other individuals, who carry out these influences under various derivatives (sorcerer, healer, and others) or hidden (consultant, expert, specialist) designations..

Article from RIA Novosti news agency—“A bill on punishment for illegal involvement in magic has been introduced in the State Duma”—official website of RIA Novosti media.
Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the party 'United Russia' Vitaly Milonov.
Milonov, Vitaly Valentinovich—wikipedia.

Currently, representatives of this still unregulated market typically try to expose each other as charlatans. Gurus, spiritual teachers of all kinds and ranks, offer services from education to enlightenment at a small price. Moreover, a significant portion of them have NOT Magical, but only Human consciousness at the level corresponding to the Third caste of people, namely Warriors. You can identify your caste by following the link to this service provided below.

“Know Your “Caste”” - description of the process and services for defining caste.

In the best case, their consciousness is in a state of transition from Human to Magical consciousness, which is the initial level of the Fourth Caste of Magi-Extrasensory. In the first case, such a position of the Assembly Point and the quality of consciousness leaves a mark on all their activities in the field of unregulated market of Magical services. I have extensively discussed the Castes of People and Magicians, their different levels and differences in a series of articles, one of which is available at the link below.

“How to become a successful person or what I'm doing wrong”—(an article about Castes) by Lord Denis Banchenko.

Inside this unregulated market, constant showdowns typical of criminal clans are happening. Everyone is endlessly battling with so-called evil forces, where numerous competitors act as the source or in the role of these forces. They constantly remove imaginary hexes, curses, and spells from themselves and others, which are undoubtedly meant to be fatal. The situation around such Wizards is constantly militaristic; the enemy is about to shift from minor mischief to open warfare, leaving no room to study the secrets of the universe or engage in evolution. One must seek salvation in every sense of the word. Personally, I have encountered such situations multiple times during my many years of education, where out of a thousand imaginary cases, only one real similar event occurs. The most terrible thing I constantly observe is that a significant portion of these occultists are also religious, which actually leads to conflicting situations with representatives of various religious movements and denominations. Trying to practice Magic, which involves systemic channels Gei 17th and above, they cling to religious social institutions functioning in the 22nd, 21st, and 19th Gei systemic channels, which, in principle, cannot be compatible. It's like playing with toys when a person has already started their first year at the institute and, by age, should be engaged in completely different activities corresponding to the level of their consciousness development. You can read about what Gei and Systemic Channels are in two of my articles linked below, including scientific research published in globally recognized peer-reviewed journals.

"The Law of Attraction or the 6th System Channel 'Genius of the Earth' and the Layout in the 'Tarot System' Reflecting Its Work" - an article published on the resource Medium by author Denis Banchenko.
“Artifacts | Amulets - manufacturing and usage technologies - course fragment” - an article published on the resource Medium by author Denis Banchenko.

Second level of the Institute of Magic Market or First Magic Market

Crystal DAAT Ver. 2.0 grown by special Magical technology. An example of a level one Artifact, second level of the 'Magic Rank' institute.
Crystal DAAT Ver. 2.0 grown by special Magical technology. An example of a level one Artifact, second level of the 'Magic Rank' institute.
"DAAT or Artificial Sephira" - an auction held among students and graduates of courses on Magic, such as "Art of Dreaming", "Complete Course on Making and Using Artifacts", "Course on Basics of Extrasensory Perception", "Course on Tarot System", "Course on Making and Using Elixirs", "Course on Designing and Using Magical Machines" - the auction will be conducted in the form of formally open trading held on the personal profile of Denis Banchenko on the social network facebook.
"Crystal DAAT Ver. 2.0" - an auction held among students and graduates of courses on Magic, such as "Art of Dreaming", "Full course on making and using Artifacts", "Course on the basics of extrasensory perception", "Course on the Tarot system", "Course on making and using Elixirs", "Course on designing and using Magical Machines" - the auction is presented in the form of formally open trading conducted in the business profile of Denis Banchenko on the social network Facebook..

The second level of the Market of Magic Institute is completely closed to ordinary uninitiated people, they are unable to gain access to it under any circumstances, although formally they may know and sometimes even see photos of the Artifacts themselves. Goods and services here range in price from 999£ British Pounds to 99,000£ British Pounds. The second level of the Market of Magic Institute serves the interests of Healer Mages and Alchemist Mages who, with divisions into corresponding specializations, represent the sole factual Elite of planet Earth. In rare exceptional cases at this level, something significant can be acquired by a prominent political figure (significance implying their status within Gaia) or a major financier. In such cases, intermediaries and sponsors are members of a closed club with access to the Market of Magic Institute.

Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - an American non-profit scientific research institute. It was founded in 1973 by former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon, along with private investor Paul N. Temple and other participants, some of whom are known, and some chose to remain incognito, interested in studying paranormal phenomena. The institute aims to promote and conduct research in the field of noetic theory and human potential. The institute conducts research on topics such as spontaneous remission, meditative and magical states, consciousness, alternative healing methods, consciousness-based healthcare, spirituality, human potential, extrasensory abilities, psychokinesis, and the consciousness life after the death of the physical body.
“Institute of Noetic Sciences”—wikipedia.

At this level, there are very conscientious mentors and authoritative Magical Schools. At this level, there is no confrontation between Mages, as in the unregulated market of Magical services, sometimes excellent positions arise on various issues of the Magical Order such as, whether to consider Ifrits as beings, and whether to treat Mules (artificial beings created using Magic) as living people.

The Monroe Institute (TMI) - is a non-profit organization dedicated to self-improvement and the exploration of human consciousness. Over the past three decades, many individuals have participated in the institute's programs and/or utilized Hemi-Sync technology for various purposes, including meditation, lucid dreaming, and remote viewing. According to institute representatives, the educational programs aim to enhance human development by minimally distorting perception and by refraining from any influence of religion, politics, or social policies.
Monroe Institute—Wikipedia.

Some distinctive Magical positions at different times have led to serious geopolitical conflicts at the level of individuals and their society. In addition, politicians from all countries, well aware of the existence of the "Earth's Elite" and the "Magical Market Institute", seek to strengthen their positions and defend their political interests, constantly resorting to it and the goods presented on it. But only in their own way, stealing Artifacts from this market, or obtaining ancient Artifacts of various levels of complexity and functions as a result of secretly funded archaeological excavations. Sometimes, politicians, without informing the "Earth's Elite", try to establish independent contact with representatives of Extraterrestrial or Higher Civilizations. For example, by shooting down with missiles the Advanced Aerospace Transport of Extraterrestrial representatives or Higher Civilizations. Typically, such attempts at independent contact, bypassing the actual "Earth's Elite", end badly or with nothing. One of the most famous attempts worldwide to make independent contact with representatives of Extraterrestrial or Higher Civilizations are the so-called signals "Arecibo" USA and "Peace, Work, ,Lenin" USSR. Details on these fascinating stories can be found in my articles through the links below.

“How I Found the Way Home or Events That Change Us Forever—Part One”—the original article posted on the platform “Medium” by the author Denis Banchenko.
"How I Found the Way Home or Events That Change Us Forever—Part Two"—the original article posted on the platform "Medium" by the author Denis Banchenko.

The third level of the Institute of Magic Market or the First Magic Market

The third level of the 'Market of Magic' Institute is mainly focused on trading with Extraterrestrial or Higher Civilizations. This market has a very high entry threshold and incredibly high price levels. This is due to the fact that no modern civilization, individually or collectively on planet Earth, produces any adequate goods capable of generating any interest from representatives of Extraterrestrial or Higher Civilizations. Representatives of the Extraterrestrial or Higher Civilizations themselves can easily offer any ultra-high-tech products to individual representatives of the 'Earth Elite'. These products may include regenerative tablets based on the 17th System Channel, artificially created and specifically tailored to Gaia's structure. Used for reviving a recently deceased person, even if the death occurred significantly more than six minutes ago, for example, several days. Which, from a medical and scientific point of view of modern civilization, is impossible. Or, for instance, Galactic-class Vimanas, for travels within our galaxy, the 'Milky Way'.

Video recording of the flight of Prospective Aerospace Transport - Vimanas.

About the Perspective Aerospace Transport, currently in the stage of reverse engineering, I detailed everything in the same series of articles “How I found my way home or events that change us forever”, links to which can be found above.

Participant of the third level of the Institute of "Market of Magic", a private corporation EG&G, officially known as Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc., was a contractor for the United States Department of Defense and a provider of managerial and technical services. The company was involved in government contracting services for the United States of America during World War II and conducted research and development of weapons during the Cold War era from 1948. Its close involvement in some of the most important state technologies led to it being cited in conspiracy theories related to black projects of the US Department of Defense.

The price range of the third level of the "Magic Market" starts from £99,000 British Pounds and has no upper limits. Primarily, there is a demand in this market for Healer's Magic and Alchemists whose cost usually does not exceed £999,000 British Pounds.

Participant of the third level of the Institute of "Magic Market", a private corporation IBM (pronounced Eye-bee-em,International Business Machines)—an American company headquartered in Armonk (state of New York), one of the world's largest producers and suppliers of hardware and software, as well as IT services and consulting services.

At this level, for the payment of services and goods, money in the traditional sense of the word is usually no longer used. Objects of art are used for calculations, the prices of which are artificially inflated. The point is that for representatives of Extraterrestrial or Higher Civilizations, the art and values of the inhabitants of Gaia, as well as the principles of their evaluation, are completely incomprehensible, just like art in general. And they are forced to base their purchases on what they consider to be souvenirs at the internal prices of the Institute of Magic Market of Gaia. Hence the antique market, with incredibly high prices for works of art and antiquities. In this market, a painting from the depths of centuries can cost more than 999,000 £British pounds sterling. Also, as payment units in this market, rare animals and plants, body parts, internal organs of humans and animals are used, and in some special cases, even people. Usually, the sale of people and their organs is carried out through smuggling. Mainly, the use of people and organs for calculations in exchanges is not by the “Earth Elite”, trying to control the trading market with representatives of Extraterrestrial or Higher Civilizations, but by various mafia and governmental structures trying to break into this market independently.

Participant of the third level of the Institute of Magic Market Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL, Los Alamos National Laboratory, LANL, formerly Site Y, LASL) - one of the sixteen national laboratories of the United States Department of Energy. Located in the city of Los Alamos, state of New Mexico, USA. Managed by Triad National Security, LLC. Founded in 1943.
Participant of the third level of the Institute of "Market of Magic" CERN (CERN) - European Organization for Nuclear Research, the largest laboratory in the world high-energy physicists. Sometimes also translated as European Center for Nuclear Research. The abbreviation CERN comes from the French Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research). In Russian, the abbreviation CERN is commonly used.

Market of Magical Forms and Spells

Forms produced by Mages, perhaps it is more correct to say "Thought-Forms", and they are produced by Mages who have reached the level of development corresponding to the Minor Arcana of Tarot, are the raw materials for creating Mage Spells. Spells are cast by Mages who have reached the level of development of their consciousness corresponding to the Eightfold Path of the Minor Arcana of Tarot. There are quite primitive "Thought-Forms", easy to make, for example "Protective Sphere", or combat forms such as "Fist", "Sword", "Axe", "Cutting Plane" or "Hammer".

Photograph of the 15th Major Arcana of the Tarot deck by Aleister Crowley. Tarot is a system of cryptographic visual glyphs for tuning the consciousness and human brain to the corresponding systemic channels of 'Gaia'. In this specific case, for this card, it is on the '15th Systemic Channel'. Based on this 'Channel', the construction of 'Spells and Forms' such as 'Form Market', such as 'Boost Immunity' and 'Complete Regeneration' are possible.

There are also simple healing "Thought-Forms", such as "Boosting immunity", "Energizing", "Killing viruses", the cost of which does not exceed 999 £ British pounds sterling. However, sometimes, as needed, very complex and labor-intensive to produce "Thought-Forms" are created by Magicians, whose cost can reach up to 49,000 £ British pounds sterling.

Example of one of the possible ways of creating the 'Magic Scroll'.
Example of one of the possible ways of creating the 'Magic Scroll', 'Spell' to which a 'Thought-Form' is attached, applied with a bird feather, a biologically active dense substance capable of fixing brain emissions in its structure when solidified..

In order to preserve the "Thought-Form" so that it continues to function and does not dissipate into space, "Scroll Magic" is applied. In this type of "Magic Technology", the "Thought-Form" is linked to a so-called "Scroll", usually a parchment prepared in a special way, with "Incantations" inscribed on it, to which a "Thought-Form" is attached, and the scroll is sealed with the "Mage's Personal Seal". The pricing limitation of a "Magic Scroll" is related to the strong and specific practical value of this type of Magic.

Photograph of the 13th Major Arcana of the Tarot deck by Aleister Crowley. Tarot is a system of cryptographic visual glyphs for tuning the consciousness and brain of a person to the corresponding systemic channels of 'Gaia'. In this specific case, for this card on the 13th Systemic Channel. Based on this Channel, the construction of spells “Market Forms” such as “Death Scythe” and “Killvirus” are possible.

Expensive “Combat Spells” and “Thought-Forms” include, for example, such “Magical Incantation” and “Thought-Form” like “Scythe of Death”, utilizing an extensive description of the mechanism of death and altering the program of the ancestral egregore, making the death of this individual expedient for the System or Gaia.

Tarot Card of the 20th Major Arcana, for independent coloring of the 'B.O.T.A. Tarot' deck created by Paul Foster Case, an American occultist from the early 20th century. The card reflects cryptographic glyphs describing the mechanism of tuning the brain for its further operation with the 20th channel system of Gaia. In particular, the image of the spiritual instrument in the hands of an Angel (consciousness of the Channel) describes the emerging hum in the head perceived as a very loud monotonous low-frequency sound arising when fully synchronizing the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Based on the work of this channel in particular and its interaction, the 'Spell' and 'Form''Bait' are constructed.
B.O.T.A. tarot deck—Wikipedia.

Another example can be the magical “Form”“Lure”. This form uses an elementer, who had a great sexual attractiveness during life. Through a very complex energy system, to external observers, a elementer is demonstrated relative to the person. As a result, the sexual attractiveness of the elementer is transferred to the client.

Simple "Thought-Forms" and "Incantations" are a whole class of products representing "Scroll Magic". "Scroll Magic" pertains to goods of the second level of the "Magic Market" institute.

Official poster for the film “APOCALYPSE: X-Men” by Marvel studio, directed by Bryan Singer, and written by Simon Kinberg, based on a plot that was co-written by him with Michael Dougherty, Dan Harris, and Bryan Singer, attempted to visualize the mechanism of the “Enchanting Form of 'Substitution'”.

Supercomplex "Thought-Forms" and "Spells" already belong to the third-level goods of the Institute "Magic Market" and essentially require a very high-level Mage or a group of Mages for their production. An example of such a product is the "Spell Form 'Substitution'", which allows transferring consciousness to another body. On May 18, 2016, the world premiere of the film "APOCALYPSE: X-Men" by the studio Marvel took place, directed by Bryan Singer, and written by Simon Kinberg, based on a plot that was co-written by him with Michael Dougherty, Dan Harris, and Bryan Singer, attempted to visualize the mechanism of the "Spell Form 'Substitution'". At the very beginning of the film, they attempted to visualize this process, and although it is evident that the scriptwriters and the director have some knowledge of transfer technology, they are not fully dedicated. Since the transfer is carried out in a high-tech Artifact like the Pyramids of Giza, but it works with human clones. Perhaps a situation shown in one of the other films would be more suitable, which I discuss in one of my articles with the working title "The Seductive Mummy, or there would be no happiness if not for the help of happiness", the full version of which can be found at the link below.

“The Seductress Mummy, or it wouldn't have been happiness, but happiness helped”—an article posted on the Medium platform by Denis Banchenko.
Photograph of the 17th Major Arcana of the Tarot deck by Aleister Crowley. Tarot is a system of cryptographic visual glyphs for tuning the consciousness and brain of a person to the corresponding systemic channels of the 'Gaia'. In this specific case, for this card, it is on the '17th Systemic Channel'. Based on this 'Channel', the construction of 'Spells and Forms' such as 'Form Market', 'Energize', and 'Full Regeneration' is possible.

Or such a healing spell as “Complete Regeneration”, allowing to heal injuries or diseases of any severity. There is one incredibly special combat “Thought-Form Complete Invulnerability”, providing protection within ten Earth hours inside Gaia against all types of weapons, including nuclear and thermonuclear, in this case, “Water Magic” is included in the product (Water Sphere creating a time gradient, separating substances with different time flow rates).

Attempt to visualize the operation of a real combat spell—form"Complete Invulnerability" in the movie Steven Spielberg's "Ready Player One".

The cost of the Magical Artifact"Complete Invulnerability Thought-Form" reaches hundreds of millionsBritish pounds sterling.

“Spell” - an article by author Lord Denis Banchenko.

It is necessary to understand that, as mentioned above, the Third Level of the 'Market of Magic' Institute is mainly focused on trading with Extraterrestrial or Higher Civilizations, but besides that, this level is also oriented towards trading with advanced 'Parallel Worlds of Gaia' that have progressed significantly beyond us.

Mount Shastastratovolcano in the Cascade Range in the state of California, USA. The adjacent city of Mount Shasta is named after the mountain. The height is 4317 meters. Gateway to the world of left shift, the world of Lemurian civilization.
Mount Shasta (mountain, California)—Wikipedia.

Controls this market and trade with “Parallel Worlds of Gay” as well as “Elite of Earth”, and without connections with “Elite of Earth” no one, no matter the size of their fortunebillionaireor multibillionaire this person, will not enter this market.

Black Rock Desert - a desert in the northwest of the state of Nevada in the USA. The desert covers an area of 2.6 thousand km² with a length of 110 km and a width of 32 km. Part of the endorheic Great Basin.
Black Rock (Black Rock Desert) - a desert in the northwest of the state Nevada in the USA. The desert covers an area of 2.6 thousand km² with a length of 110 km and a width of 32 km. Part of the endorheic Great Basin.

In fact, practically any global war is always fought not for ordinary resources or living space, but for access to the third level of the "Market of Magic" and "Artifacts". Napoleon, Hitler, Alexander the Great aimed to capture Tibet specifically.

Black Rock (Black Rock Desert) - a desert in the northwest of the state Nevada in the USA. The area of the desert is 2.6 thousand km² with a length of 110 km and a width of 32 km. Part of the endorheic Great Basin. The creation of an Artifact in the protected energy exchange zone of the VC and Planet Earth. Second-level territory of the Market of Magic Institute.
Black Rock (desert, Nevada) - wikipedia.

All the conquests of the English in India were related to the desire to capture Tibet. If you look at the geopolitical map or the resource map, you can see that Tibet does not possess any significant or tangible resources, it is a very poor region, devoid, from an economic point of view, of any attractiveness.

Mojave (desert, Nevada) - wikipedia.
Death Valley (Death Valley) - an intermountain basin in the region of desert Mojave and Great Basin to the west of the USA in the state of California, southeast of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. The valley is home to the lowest point in North America (36°14' N 116°46' WHGYO, 86 meters below sea level). The valley also encompasses much of the Death Valley National Park. In the valley on July 10, 1913, the highest air temperature in the Western Hemisphere was recorded - +56.7°C. Active nodes are a transition between parallel worlds.
“Death Valley”—Wikipedia.

However, in all this, Tibet is one of the most important trading hubs connecting with Extraterrestrials or Higher Civilizations and the third level of the 'Market of Magic' institute. The People's Republic of China, currently controlling this territory, despite all the titanic efforts and human losses, has not been able to take control of the Third level of the 'Market of Magic' institute or the Third Magic Market.

Kailas, Kangrinboche, Gangdise, Gandisishan (Tibetan: གངས་རིན་པོ་ཆེ KangRinpoche, Sanskrit Kailāsa Parvata)—a mountain in the Kailas mountain system of the Gangdise in the south of the Tibetan Plateau in the Tibet Autonomous Region (districtNgari, Burang County, near the village Darchen) of the People's Republic of China. The active base of the previous ancient highly advanced civilization, Third Level of the “MarketMagic” Institute.

Those who have completed all seven basic courses “Fundamentals of Extrasensory Perception”, “Artifacts Full Course (all sublevels)”, “The Art of Dreaming”, “Tarot as a Science”, “History of Magic”, “Preparation and Use of Potions”, “Magical Technologies and Machines” and have passed all necessary exams gradually as they gain experience, get a chance to gain access to the Second Level of the “Magic Market” Institute or the so-called “Second Magic Market”.